Card Reader Overview

Liability Shift
When using your EMV card reader, liability for fraudulent transactions shifts to the issuing bank. This means you will not be liable for disputes on transactions with the reason “fraudulent.”

Currency Support: USD only, for now
Geographic Restrictions: U.S. only, for now

BBPOS Chipper™ 2X BT

Supported on application v2.1+
BBPOS Chipper BT

After working tirelessly to get bluetooth support, we are bringing the Chipper™ 2X into the fold to support EMV, swipe, and contactless charges. This tiny giant does it all. From dipping the chip to Apple Pay to Google Pay, it is perfect for any size of business.

  • Connects via bluetooth
  • Dip, swipe or tap
  • Supports Apple Pay and Google Pay
  • iOS and Android (version 2.1+)

Get Your Chipper™ 2X

Eclipse A200

Supported on iOS and Android*
Eclipse A200

Collect for Stripe launched with the Eclipse A200. We love this reader because it supports both EMV and mag stripe transactions, and is 100% plug-and-play. No searching or pairing – it is automatically detected just by plugging it in.

  • Connects via audio jack
  • Dip or swipe
  • iOS and Android*
  • Usually captures cardholder name
  • Captures signature for EMV charges (great for later reference or evidence in a Dispute, when needed)

*Not for all Android devices; see "Important Notes" on the order page

Get Your Eclipse A200

Which reader is right for me?

  • Using Android? We recommend the Chipper.™
  • If you do not like dealing with bluetooth & want true plug-and-play support, we recommend the A200.
  • Storing cards with customers or creating subscriptions? Go with the Chipper.™
  • Is automatically collecting the cardholder's name important? The A200 is probably right for you.

The BBPOS and Chipper™ name and logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of BBPOS Limited in the United States and/or other countries. Use of the trademarks does not imply any endorsement by BBPOS.